Although it was mainly cloudy and rainy we did get to see thePartial Solar Eclipse on Tues 25th Oct.
The Willingdon Observatory YouTube Channel streamed the event live … direct from Willingdon! You can also see a recording of the broadcast on the channel!
The image shows a screenshot of my laptop during the latter stages of the eclipse. The software is Kstars (and Ekos) and we used an ATIK Infinity camera and white light filter to view the event on an 80mm Altair Starwave ED APO and EQ6 Mount. The maximum eclipse was about 17% so only a small portion of the Sun was obscured.
If you have no appropriate optical equipment to view the Sun use ‘pinhole’ projection, (two pieces of white card one with a large (2mm) pinhole), or look on the ground at the pinhole images formed by leaves on trees.
WARNING – Never look directly at the Sun without appropriate filters.