Membership Benefits
The Society now has over 100 members and we welcome anyone interested in astronomy.
Lecture Meetings are held generally every month from September to July, details of the currently scheduled meetings can be found on the Lectures Page. We usually have a visiting speaker, but we also have talks by our members, slide shows and demonstrations. Part of the evening is set aside for refreshments and informal discussions. There is a well-stocked library of books, magazines and videos, which members can borrow.
We also hold practical observing sessions for both beginners and experienced astronomers alike. Details of these meetings can be found on the Society Observing Page and the Public Observing Page.
The Society produces a monthly newsletter ORBIT, which contains reports of meetings, articles by members, and topical information. Ten or eleven issues are produced each year and are emailed to all members. The Society is a member of the Federation of Astronomical Societies (FAS) and of the Southern Area Group of Astronomical Societies (SAGAS), so we have links with amateur astronomers elsewhere.
Membership Costs – Due from October
Membership costs are reviewed and set each year at the Annual AGM, normally in October. The subscription for 2023/2024 has been set at £10 for adults and £5 for Juniors and Students.
If you are renewing your membership you can either pay at a meeting (by cash or cheque), or post a cheque, or preferably, pay online via BACS. See the application form below for the Society Bank Account Sort Code and Account number – don’t forget to add your name in the Reference Field. When you set up a BACS Payment via Online or Smartphone Banking you can normally choose to make it a regular annual payment (standing order), or a one-off payment – the choice is yours.
Note that we do not have an online VISA/Paypal payment form due to it requiring us to pay a payment processor for the privilege, and our current bank account not allowing the facility.
Becoming a Member
If you would like to join the Society please complete the Membership Form below and make payment as appropriate.