Eastbourne Astronomical Society was founded in 1960 with the help of Patrick Moore. It now has over 100 members and is a member of the nationwide Federation of Astronomical Societies (FAS), and the Southern Area Group of Astronomical Societies (SAGAS). It is also a registered educational charity.
Monthly meetings are held at 7.30 pm on Saturday evenings at Willingdon Memorial Hall, Church Street, Willingdon. This is located on the west side of the A2207 north of Willingdon Roundabout. The main part of the evening is usually a talk by a visiting speaker but there is also time for short items by members and a refreshments break, followed by a “Whats Up and News” presentation. Speakers are normally professional or experienced amateur astronomers but we also have meetings dedicated to talks by members. Details of the current programme are available on a separate leaflet and also on the society’s website.
The society has a 12″ reflecting telescope on a portable Dobsonian mount currently being rebuilt, 127mm apochromatic refractor, 80mm ED refractor, a couple of 200mm SCT’s (Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope), and several smaller telescopes. These are used, together with member’s own telescopes, at our observing sessions that are held in the autumn, winter and spring. Some are on Friday evenings at Arlington Village Hall, where the sky is darker than in Eastbourne. Others are public events held in Eastbourne (by arrangement with the local council) when we concentrate on bright objects such as the Moon and planets. The Arlington meetings are held irrespective of the weather; if it is cloudy, the hall is used for a short talk, general discussion and refreshments. Forthcoming dates are published in ‘ORBIT’ and on the website, and our Facebook Page.
From time to time, other public sessions are held, usually in or near Eastbourne, for specific events such as eclipses or transits and in connection with the BBC’s Stargazing Live programmes or National Science and Engineering Week.
This is a monthly newsletter containing meeting reports, society news and articles by members. There are approx. 11 issues per year and it is distributed to all members by e-mail. Articles, observing reports, etc. for publication are always welcomed by the Editor.
A selection of books and DVDs from our well-stocked library is available at our monthly meetings and these may be borrowed by members free of charge. Occasionally, there are back-issues of astronomical magazines for sale.
As a member of the Federation of Astronomical Societies, members are emailed details of any relevant publications or events as they are received. Note that Astrocalendars are no longer published, due to a plethora of online planetarium resources.
The annual subscription is £10 (£5 for those under 16 or in full-time education) and includes free attendance at all meetings.
Eastbourne Astronomical Society is a Registered Charity No. 1105267