Milky Way over Beachy Head Lighthouse – Terry Webb

Eventually got an image of the Milky Way over Beachy Head Lighthouse – I don’t like heights so couldn’t get close enough to the cliff edge to exclude it – but the grass looks ok. 🙂 Lots of ships on the horizon, and an orange glow from somewhere – causing some light pollution but you can easily spot the teapot asterism in Sagittarius.

Like my last image it is just a single shot as I haven’t learnt how to stack images if they contain static views – as the lighthouse and the cliffs are pretty static! Not even sure if you can stack images like these? One possible way may be to stack the the sky image and then ‘photoshop’ in the static image!

A short exposure to limit star trailing and wind buffeting and a high ISO – so the image is very noisy.

Image details: Canon EOS 1100D – 20secs – 6400ISO – 18mm – F3.5 – Static camera tripod

The Milky Way over Beachy Head Lighthouse - 2016-08-23

The Milky Way over Beachy Head Lighthouse – 2016-08-23