Great Conjunction

Well, the great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on 21st Dec 2020 didn’t go quite to plan – it was cloudy and rainy! However I managed a quick photo the day before (when they were still of course very close) with my Smartphone and telescope. Just a single image so […]

Live Astronomy YouTube Channel

As mentioned to members, we have adopted some novel approaches in these challenging times. One new way to keep some kind of connection with EAS members, is with a new YouTube Channel Terry has set up a for his Willingdon Observatory. The idea is to Live Stream some astronomy sessions […]

Lunar X Marks the Spot – David Gates

Lunar X Marks the Spot – David Gates Well actually the Lunar X doesn’t mark any particular spot – just a natural phenomenon of ridges that with the right shadows looks like a big X. Not easy to image because the phase of the Moon has to be just right […]